Partner Interviews
Building Community & Equity for a Blue Future
Blue Future’s Nick Guthman on how political change begins with strengthening the next generation of young leaders
Blue Future’s Nick Guthman on how political change begins with strengthening the next generation of young leaders
Quentin James leads the fight for Black representation in politics
Announcing integrations with SpeechifAI, CivicShout, and n8n
Meet Leyen Trang, the Storyteller championing youth organizing
3 *new* ways to clean up your data and spruce up for spring
Meet the campaigner working to create the world we all want to live in
Organizers react to our newest Action Builder features
En tant que Partenaire de Développement, le Congrès du travail du Canada veillera à ce que les meilleures pratiques des organisateurs canadiens et des professionnels du numérique soient intégrées à la boîte à outils.
The CLC will ensure that Canadian organizers’ and digital practitioners’ best practices are incorporated into the toolset.
Meet the innovator who’s built numerous organizations to get out the vote