The Action Builder 5-Year logo

Five years ago, we launched a new tool to meet a critical need within the progressive movement. History has shown us that successful organizers must build genuine, one-on-one relationships to drive lasting change. This truth led to the creation of Action Builder, a tool specifically designed to enhance how organizers connect with people. As we celebrate its fifth anniversary, Action Builder has become an indispensable asset for activists seeking to deepen their impact through personal engagement.

Developed by experienced organizers, Action Builder focuses on direct outreach, continuous engagement tracking, and identifying emerging leaders. It bridges the gap between digital initiatives and meaningful follow-up, ensuring that every interaction strengthens the movement. Complementing this personalized approach is our digital organizing toolset, Action Network.

For over a decade, Action Network has served as a digital megaphone for campaigns and movements. Providing tools like mobile messaging, emails, petitions, events, and fundraising, it enables activists and organizations to engage large audiences and inspire widespread action on a grand scale. In tandem, Action Builder ensures these efforts translate into sustained engagement by cultivating personal relationships and developing leadership within communities.

As we reflect on the past five years, it’s evident that Action Builder has redefined what it means to organize effectively. By centering personal connections at the heart of activism, we’ve helped build stronger, more connected movements capable of driving real change. This milestone invites us to celebrate our achievements and look forward to many more years of advancing progressive causes through meaningful engagement.

These accomplishments underscore the profound influence Action Builder has had on progressive movements. One shining example is our collaboration with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Representing over 170,000 behind-the-scenes entertainment professionals across North America, the IATSE is dedicated to improving the lives of workers both on and off the stage. By utilizing Action Builder, the IATSE has significantly enhanced its ability to connect with workers, organize events, and foster stronger relationships within the entertainment industry. This partnership illustrates the transformative role of technology in advancing organizing efforts.

An IATSE member at a protest holding a sign that reads "We Are Off Broadway"
Case study: How the IATSE uses Action Builder to organize workers in off-Broadway theatres in New York City

Building on this success, another inspiring collaboration is with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/SEFPO), which represents approximately 180,000 members across Ontario in sectors like government, community colleges, healthcare, and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO). Through Action Builder, OPSEU has successfully built a province-wide movement for LCBO workers, improving communication, tracking progress, and uniting workers across 42 locals. This partnership showcases Action Builder’s scalability in supporting large scale campaigns.

“The members really, really like it because they can see their progress in other stores and in other regions.”

Tzazna Miranda Leal, Campaigns Officer in the Political Action and Education Division at OPSEU (Case study: Action Builder partners with OPSEU to build a province-wide movement on behalf of LCBO workers in Ontario)

Our impact didn’t stop there. We teamed up with the Advocates for Minor League Baseball to unite 120 teams across North America. For too long, Minor League Baseball players faced unsafe working conditions and low wages without union protections. By harnessing Action Builder, they connected with thousands of players, and by the fall of 2022, they celebrated an extraordinary achievement—the formation of their first union.

Click here to read the case study.

But our journey doesn’t end on the baseball field. We’re also backing worker-led movements at Amazon warehouses, Trader Joe’s grocery stores, and Starbucks locations nationwide. Collaborating with organizations like the AFL-CIO and People’s Action, we’re making sure Action Builder evolves to meet the needs of organizers at every level. This hands-on approach reflects our commitment to a ‘never-for-profit’ model, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those who organize everything from local shops to major sports teams.

Looking ahead, our vision for Action Builder in the coming decade is to establish a mobilizing-to-organizing pipeline that amplifies our collective voice and nurtures strong progressive leaders. Wherever people strive to expand progressive power, we aim to provide the tools and support needed to create lasting change in their lives. By uniting mass mobilization with deep organizing, we’re building a future where every activist has the resources to make a difference — no matter the scale of their mission.

Here’s to five years of Action Builder and many more years of driving change together.

Learn more about Action Builder by joining our next live demo here. If you’re ready to get started, sign up here or email us at to learn about discounted bulk packages.