Hi, can you introduce yourself and your organization?
I’m Adriano Di Blasi, the Italian country manager for Lunda, a donation software built by progressives for progressives all over the world. We developed and published it for the first time in April 2023. The name is derived from the Hungarian translation of Puffins, which is also our fantastic mascot.
How did you get involved in progressive technology?
Before entering the world of fundraising, I was a sports journalist. I worked in that industry for eight years, but I always followed grassroots-funded political campaigns in the US. And when the opportunity to make a change came along, I jumped at it. I believe that helping those who work daily to change the world for the better through technology is one of the most impactful missions of our time. Besides, I always have time to follow sports, of course, as a hobby, I’m a big football fan, please don’t call it soccer.
What factors should people consider when selecting a fundraising platform?
They should first check the design. It must be simple and intuitive. Lunda’s goal is always to require as little effort as possible to donate. The next consideration should be, of course, the costs. We have defined a business model that suits everyone. Our software is free to set up and gives users the ability to create unlimited donation pages. We retain a small percentage from each donation, and this allows us to work with anyone from large organizations or parties to small local candidates or newly founded associations.
The idea is always the same, to support those who share our progressive ideals, no matter how successful they may be. Every little bit is essential if we want the world to move in a direction of more rights for all.

What sets Lunda apart from other fundraising platforms?
The key word to describe Lunda is adaptability. Users can customize their currencies, countries, languages, regulations, and personal data management (GDPR compliant). Our software easily responds to every need and does so through a very intuitive backend that can be managed by everyone, even by those who aren’t “tech savvy”. We also added a variety of payment methods and the ability to easily adapt to every device one is browsing on. In addition, we also help our partners with fundraising and communication strategies. I believe our strategy support is our greatest feature. We love to have an engagement with our clients because we aren’t just providing software. We have some of our best country managers supporting our clients every step of the way. Because of this, we’ve helped our partners raise tens of thousands of donations per month, in just a few months.

What kind of organizations should use Lunda?
Everyone should, of course, but any organization that shares our values should try Lunda. From NGOs fighting for social and civil rights to political parties and their candidates. We are working almost everywhere in the world. From England to Poland, from Italy to Hungary via Spain, Australia, and Romania.
What sparked the integration with Action Network? What additional features are available to partners that use our integration?
During the development phase of Lunda, we were working with Action Network and realized that the best international donation platform for progressive causes had to be connected with the best toolset for progressive causes.
We developed an integration that allows anyone who wants to transfer the information obtained on Lunda’s forms to Action Network so that they can continue the relationship with donors, turning them into activists through petitions, surveys, events, and especially for targeting emails, donor information is very useful.
Action Network was also a great inspiration for our developers who adapted your flexible architecture model for API keys. Let’s say we consider Action Network as a big sister.
If organizations are interested in getting started with Lunda, how do they do that?
Super simple. First, there’s very little information that’s needed to get started. So the process is generally very quick. For anyone interested contact us at any time here or they can contact me directly at adriano.diblasi@lundadonate.org for a demo.