Here at Action Builder & Action Network, we build our tools through a cooperative development process, hand-in-hand with the organizers who use them everyday to build progressive power. We’re always focused on how we can make our organizing tools more powerful and even easier to use, which is why we’re so excited about our newest features on Action Builder: a person-level activity stream, note search, and complex filters.
The Person-Level Activity Stream will show every update made to a person’s profile, including assessment changes, tags, address changes, and more. Similar to the Activity Feed on the campaign level, the Person-Level Activity Feed helps you keep tabs on each individual person in your campaign.

Note Search allows you to search for notes via the Campaign Activity Stream or the Person-Level Activity Stream that were applied to a person in your campaign. Look for mentions of workplace issues, locate and pull up the notes from a specific conversation, or remind yourself of a detail you picked up from a house visit months or weeks ago.

Complex Filters allow you to link together groups of query filters using logic such as ‘AND’ and ‘OR’. Now, you will be able to ask more detailed questions about your data and quickly and easily get the answers you need within Action Builder.