Progressive victories across the country this week are a huge cause for celebration, and we are so proud of the Action Network partners who helped make these wins possible. From big groups like AFL-CIO, Daily Kos, and Working Families Party to small, local groups around the country, it was a terrific effort by so many on Action Network. Here’s the email we sent out to our partners on Wednesday thanking a few of the groups that went above and beyond to bring us some good news in 2017.
I don’t know about you, but today at Action Network we’re celebrating HUGE victories for progressives across the country.

So many Action Network partners have done amazing work this year, and we just wanted to take a moment to thank a few in particular for helping make yesterday’s victories possible:
- The Breakthrough Fund Initiative ( @transunitedfund and @BreakThroughPAC) helped propel Danica Roem to victory in Virginia’s House of Delegates, becoming her state’s first openly transgender person to hold elective office. Breakthrough also supported Andrea Jenkins, whose election to the Minneapolis City Council last night made her the first openly transgender black woman elected to public office in the U.S.
- Run for Something (@runforsomething) recruited and supported talented, passionate young people running for state legislatures, mayorships, city council seats, and more, furthering the goal of building a deep progressive bench now and into the future.
- Swing Left (@swingleft) identified swing districts (where the winner of the last House of Representatives election was determined by a thin margin) and hosted events and gathered volunteers throughout 2017, driving towards the goal of taking back the House. Last night’s results are a great sign for 2018!
- Vote.org (@votedotorg) broke down barriers to voting by disseminating vital information around registration, polling places and voter ID requirements. They helped mobilize voters in hundreds of local and state elections around the country.
We can’t wait to see what our partners will do to carry this momentum into 2018, and we’ll be there every step of the way to help build progressive power. If you’d like your organization to be featured in a future #ANPartners highlight, feel free to get in touch (or reply to this email).
And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on Action Network trainings, webinars, and partner highlights.
Mari & The Action Network team
Finally Some Good News in 2017 was originally published in Powering Progressive Movements on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.