The Action Network team helps to build and maintain the technology you use every day to mobilize and organize. We are on the other end of your email when you have questions and need support. We’re there to help you learn more about unique approaches to partnerships. We’re there to help you adopt and utilize our tools through training and help documentation. 

Action Network is comprised of a diverse group of change agents dedicated to helping progressives build power and win campaigns.

As we mark the 10th anniversary of Action Network, we wanted to take you behind the tools and logo to learn a little more about our amazing team.

5 Questions for Ray

Lead Engineer, Action Builder (he/him)

Question 1: What’s your Action Network origin story?

I first encountered the Action Network while working as a data manager/developer on the UFCW’s Walmart campaign. We were organizing protests in support of striking Walmart workers and utilized the newly launched event campaign feature from Action Network to recruit participants. Action Network provided an amazing way to mobilize supporters. This was an amazing tool for organizing our supporters, however, when it came to organizing the workers, I was dissatisfied with the existing tools for union organizing, most of which were built for political campaigns, not union or on-the-ground community organizing. I ended up developing a database/organizing tool tailored to our campaign’s needs, emphasizing long-term organizing and relationship building. The broader necessity for such a tool quickly became evident. Eventually, this journey led me to Action Network, where I had the opportunity to work on my dream project: “Action Builder,” an organizing tool designed for effective person-to-person organizing.

Question 2: What is your favorite thing about working at Action Network?

My favorite aspect of working at Action Network is the assurance that my efforts contribute to organizations and causes I am passionate about. I am able to leverage my skills for the advancement of the progressive movement, which is incredibly fulfilling. The organizational ethos of valuing positive outcomes for our movement partners over profit is both refreshing and inspiring, especially compared to my previous experiences in profit-driven sectors.

Question 3: How would you describe what you do to your friends and family?

I write code for tools that are used to empower the progressive movement. I get to combine my love of programming with my desire to see social and economic justice.

Question 4: What sea creature does the original Action Network logo look most like?

A starfish?

Question 5: What genre of movies do you enjoy watching?

If I have the remote, it’s a documentary.

A little more about Ray:

Born and raised in the Chicagoland area, I got professionally involved in Democratic politics at the age of 18. I took a break from college to work on Congressional Campaigns in 2006 and 2008, eventually enrolling at the University of New Mexico to study Political Science. Throughout college, I remained actively involved in politics. My career journey took me from political organizing to union organizing, during which I found myself increasingly immersed in Excel macros. This experience sparked my interest in programming—a passion I continue to pursue. I now reside in the mountains of rural New Mexico, where I enjoy outdoor work and spending quality time with my dog, Pita.